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Artisanal Charcuterie | Package Design

The brand vision was to create a packaging design that reflects the artisanal nature of their products while also showcasing the richness of the flavours. Keeping this in mind, we began working on a design that would make this brand stand out on the shelves and appeal to the discerning customers who appreciate the finer things in life.

To create a unique and upscale look, we used a combination of deep, rich colours such as burgundy and dark green, along with gold accents to add a touch of luxury. The packaging material chosen was high-quality paper with a matte finish to give it a premium feel and also to ensure freshness. 

For the typography, we chose a classic serif font with a modern twist to add a touch of elegance to the design. The logo was a spin off the original butchers’ logo and adapted to reflect the charcuterie’s artisanal nature, luxe and sophistication.

The final design is a perfect balance between the traditional and the contemporary. The artisanal nature of the products is reflected in the packaging design through the use of earthy colours and the graphic elements that convey a sense of tradition and heritage. At the same time, the upscale look and various colour choice of the design, highlights the shopper’s experience and make the product stand out on the shelves- leaving a lasting impression.

Artisanal Charcuterie | Package Design


Artisanal Charcuterie | Package Design
