Prudhvi Varma's profile

NPS(Net Promoter Score) Website

To build an NPS (Net Promoter Score) widget from a user experience perspective, you should consider the following steps:

Define the user goals: Start by defining the user goals for the NPS widget. What do users want to achieve by providing feedback? Do they want to share their opinion, report a problem, or suggest an improvement? Understanding the user goals will help you design a widget that meets their needs.

Identify the touchpoints: Identify the touchpoints where users will encounter the NPS widget. Will it be displayed after completing a purchase, logging into an account, or browsing a product page? Understanding the context of the widget will help you design an experience that is relevant and timely.

Design the widget: Once you understand the user goals and touchpoints, design the NPS widget. Keep it simple and easy to use, with a clear and concise question that asks for the user's score. Use a rating scale that is familiar and easy to understand, such as a scale of 0-10, with clear labels for each score.

Provide feedback options: Provide users with options to give feedback, such as an open text box or multiple-choice options. This will give users the opportunity to provide additional context to their score, and help you identify areas for improvement.

Optimize for mobile: Ensure that the NPS widget is optimized for mobile devices, as a significant portion of website traffic comes from mobile devices. Keep the widget size small and ensure that it is easy to use on a smaller screen.

Test the widget: Test the widget with real users to identify any usability issues or areas for improvement. Use analytics to track the widget's performance and identify areas where users may be dropping off.

Analyze the data: Analyze the NPS data collected through the widget to identify patterns and trends. Use this data to make data-driven decisions and identify areas for improvement.
NPS(Net Promoter Score) Website


NPS(Net Promoter Score) Website
