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Best of 2013: editorial page design and illustration

Year-end thoughts
2013 was an exciting and challenging year to be a staff artist at The Columbus Dispatch. After the newspaper was redesigned for the 3V format in January, I had to push myself to design pages and draw illustrations that still had impact on the smaller, 11-by-14-inch canvas.   //   My 2013 portfolio shows a snapshot of the work I created for The Dispatch last year: daily news and features covers, Weekenders and special sections. Often I did double duty by both designing and illustrating a page.    //   There is still plenty of room to grow and new skills to learn.  — Charlie Zimkus
Electricity price winners and losers
Photo illustration  //  page design  //  April 7, 2013  // A1
Forming a face from an power outlet has been done before, but this illustration added a twist by representing both the customers who receive a great deal on their power bill and those who get the shaft.
Ohio’s state budget breakdown
illustration  //  page design  //  July 7, 2013  //  A1
I designed nearly every Sunday A1 last year and illustrated many of the centerpieces. This story dissecting the state budget was one of my favorite solutions. The red and blue icons represent the variety of issues addressed in the 2-year spending budget.
Using classical music to deter loitering
Illustration  //  page design  //  March 24, 2013  //  Arts & Life cover
This story about places that pipe out classical music to disperse loiterers cried out for an illustration. The old maestros look angry anyway, but I tweaked their brows and snarls even more and then placed them on the bodies of bouncers. Copy editor Andy Sterling crafted a fitting headline.
Common money mistakes
Illustration  //  page design  //  February 24, 2013  //  Business cover
The Business section benefited the most from our switch to the 3V format. I enjoyed designing and sometimes illustrating Biz covers. This one, for a story on common investment errors, was one of my favorites because it adds humor to what could be a dry topic.
Make-ahead dishes for Easter brunch
art direction  //  page design  //  March 27, 2013  //  Food & Life cover
Photographer Chris Russell and I spent about an hour setting up and shooting the props and food prepared by former Food editor Robin Davis. After Chris shot dozens of frames, I added a strawberry to the french toast, which gave the foreground a needed burst of color. Salt was added to the mimosa to make it foam for the photo.
Using fighting words for cancer patients
illustration  //  page design  //  October 27, 2013  //  Your Health cover
Each month, I enjoy working with section editor Mark Somerson to produce the Your Health pages. This cover illustration combines the vulnerability of a cancer patient in a hospital gown with the strength of an oversized helmet, sword and shield. Terms such as “warrior” and “survivor” are not a good fit for some patients.
Resolving disputes with contractors
illustration  //  page design  //  November 17, 2013  //  At Home cover
I often design — and sometimes illustrate — the At Home cover. This story on how to deal with an unsatisfactory contractor lent itself to an illustration reminiscent of an old-west standoff. Tools and a cellphone replace pistols in this limited-color-palette rendering.
‘The Wolverine’ film review
page design  //  July 26, 2013  //  Life & Arts Cover
Designing a centerpiece for an action film review is always fun. To add some energy to the page, I aligned the images and text at an angle and sliced the bold, sans-serif headline Wolverine style. I also enhanced the color-saturation of the photos to reference the comic-book genre.
College football preview
illustration  //  page design  //  August 28, 2013  //  Special Section cover
I wanted to do something special for the 2013 College Football Preview. Fans had high hopes for speedy quarterback Braxton Miller and the Ohio State Buckeye’s high-octane offense and I tried to capture that excitement with a rocket-propelled illustration.
Presidents Cup preview
page design  //  October 2, 2013  //  Special Section cover
Muirfield Village Golf Club hosted the Presidents Cup in 2013, with Tiger Woods and Adam Scott leading the charge for the U.S. and International teams, respectively. Scott Minister suggested that I use an argyle pattern that incorporates the team colors and pulls the design elements together.
2013 Summer Guide
illustration //  page design  //  May 19, 2013  //  Special Section Cover
The Summer Guide challenges me every year, and 2013’s edition added an additional wrinkle: the content was split into two separate sections, divided by city and state activities. My solution was to illustrate two covers that could stand on their own but also work together. The icons within the sunglasses allude to the events and activities inside.
Comics museum opens
page design  //  November 14, 2013  //  Weekender Cover
I designed nearly every Weekender cover this year. My favorite previewed the opening of Ohio State’s comics museum, which featured lectures by three comic-book artists. The cover design samples artwork from the three artists, with torn edges to allude to the pulp art form.
2013 holiday events guide
illustration //  page design  //  November 28, 2013  //  Weekender Cover
Every year I challenge myself to come up with a new way to represent the annual holiday performances profiled in this special edition of Weekender. This year I took Art Director Scott Minister’s advice and created a type-based illustration that lists the section highlights.
Best of 2013: editorial page design and illustration

Best of 2013: editorial page design and illustration

A collection of my best illustrations and page designs from 2013, for The Columbus Dispatch, the daily newspaper in Columbus, Ohio.
