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The Art of Color: Exploring Benetton's Palette

Transforming e-commerce with a purpose-driven approach yields an impressive 53% increase in revenue.

Amid a crisis in the fashion industry where profits plummeted by 93% in 2020, Benetton faced a daunting challenge with its outdated dotcom, dwindling Gen Z audience, and closed 5,000 stores. A purpose-driven and personalized approach was necessary for a digital-first transformation. To leverage Benetton's values and rejuvenate the brand, we introduced the "Blend Different" concept - a celebration of diversity, experimentation, and inclusion through a series of unique brand moments that authentically express Benetton's identity through color.
By utilizing color as a fundamental interface, we brought to life signature brand experiences that unified and bridged divides. This concept was applied to product discovery and exploration, resulting in captivating moments of discovery that invited users to engage deeper with UCB's world. With a playful approach that embraced contrasting color combinations, "Blend Different" offered a fresh perspective on luxury. Moreover, we closed the gap between the digital and physical realms by bringing products closer to customers and making them more tangible online.
Reviving the brand's purpose has yielded significant returns. Within a mere 18 weeks, we launched the global dotcom with a successful global rollout. As a result, UCB's revenue on the site skyrocketed by an impressive 53%, page views surged by 59%, and the online conversation rate increased by 8%. These remarkable results demonstrate that while the High Street remains closed, Benetton has opened its doors to the next generation, celebrating the unifying power of color once again.
The Art of Color: Exploring Benetton's Palette

The Art of Color: Exploring Benetton's Palette
