Continue the Legacy
The first step in developing any video is creating a storyboard. I started by creating a rough outline of the message I wanted to convey through the video, and then I began sketching out the different scenes on paper. Once I had a clear idea of the scenes I wanted to include, I created a more polished version of the storyboard, including sketches, text, and notes about camera angles, lighting, and other important details.

Once the storyboard was complete, I pitched the idea to our executive director. I explained the concept of the video, the target audience, and the message we wanted to convey. I also shared the storyboard and discussed any changes or additions that could be made to improve the final product.

After getting approval from the executive director, it was time to start writing the script. I started by creating a rough draft of the script, using the storyboard as a guide. Then, I went through multiple revisions, refining the language, pacing, and tone of the script until it felt polished and professional. I submitted this to Voice123 and worked with a voice actor to secure the perfect tone for the video.

With the script in hand, it was time to start filming. I directed the scenes, working closely with the camera crew and actors to ensure that each shot was captured perfectly. I made sure to follow the notes on the storyboard to ensure that the video matched the vision that I had in mind.

Once filming was complete, it was time to move onto editing. I reviewed all of the footage, selecting the best takes and cutting out any unnecessary scenes. I added music, sound effects, and special effects to enhance the video and make it more engaging for the audience.

Finally, after completing the final touches, I posted the video online. It was a fulfilling experience to see the final product come to life after all the hard work that went into it.

In conclusion, developing a video involves multiple stages, from storyboarding to scriptwriting, filming, editing, and posting. It requires careful planning, attention to detail, and collaboration with others to create a professional and engaging final product.
Continue the Legacy


Continue the Legacy
