lululemon Holiday

Lululemon Holiday Season

Gifting Campaign ‘Set Joy in Motion’
Bolder was tasked with creating the intro and outro elements for lululemon’s "Set Joy in Motion" holiday gifting campaign.
The elements had to strike a balance between simplicity and refinement, while maintaining a festive and elegant feel. The core concept of the campaign was centred around the expressive motion of ribbon, which was captured in a series of studio shoots featuring multiple colour combinations.

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The team utilized SideFX Houdini's powerful vellum cloth simulation to create the CGI ribbons, which provided complete control over the ribbon's movement and art direction. This approach also allowed for seamless retexturing to match the multiple studio shoot colour setups.

Holiday Messaging ‘Get a move on
Building on the success of the "Set Joy in Motion" campaign, Bolder was commissioned to extend the ribbon theme by producing a series of renders for Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Boxing Day, and End of Year, offers to be used across web and social media.

lululemon Holiday

lululemon Holiday

Bolder Creative's CGI work in support of lululemon's 2022 holiday campaigns
