Where everything happens, Deli, provides barbershop services for the most daring and curious men.
Manure is used for various purposes, including fire lighting, rituals, or in small ceremonies or festivals. For some, it is believed that being a sacred animal, it brings healing powers.
Of all offerings, this man receives an allowance from the woman who is waiting her turn to make the offering.
The majestic Everest received it in a last minute visit, but despite being short, it will not be so soon forgotten.
Varanasi, city of the dead, a city created 3000 thousand years ago, a sacred city, bathed by the Ganges, the only one that closely materialized what I most wanted to know. But it's more than that, it's being close to a millennial reality, a tough ceremony for some, but mostly a religious and cultural mentality that teach us our position in this pale blue dot planet.
The eldest son precedes the cremation ceremony and keeps the flame burning for millennia.
India & Nepal

India & Nepal


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