ID Practice

Triplex Shoe
The first project for ID practice this year was to choose one of our Shoes, in order to create 3 different models of the shoe. One that was a full scale 1:1 replica, the second was to section the shoe model in order to see the inner workings of the shoe, and the third and final model was a mould of the exterior of the shoe. Using our basic skills of folding, cutting, bending, as well as lots of glue we would construct these models using Triplex.
We were to focus on proportion, over all look and the smaller details within a small time frame.  
Custom Nike Air Force One
Task 1- Full Shoe
The first phase of this project was to make a 1:1 replica of our shoe, out of Triplex
The task would be to analyse our real shoe and use our skills to make a 3D model, bearing in mind the proportions and the construction.
The 1:1 full shoe
Task 2- Section
In the second phase of the project we were required to visualise what the inside of the shoe would look like if cut in half, and this was to help with the appreciation of internal spaces in products and to use observation to make a 3D model 
Task 3- Mould
The final phase of this project we were required for build a "mould" of our shoe as if it were pushed into a block of clay and the imprint were left. 
This part was one of the more challenging parts but still enjoyable. This required me analysing the shoe more closely to visualise what kind of imprint it would make. 

This project required a lot of Triplex as having big feet required it. As each phase of the project unfolded new challenges and skills needed to be learned and over come. I learnt a lot of new skills and now know how to close a sliced hand with super glue👍🏼.

Tools Used
-Craft knife
-Masking tape (lots)
-Super glue
-Metal Ruler 


Triplex Shoe


Triplex Shoe
