Triplex Shoe
The instructions for this series of projects was to make 3 different models of an approved shoe of our choice. All were to be made on a 1:1 scale.  A  replica model of the shoe, a through-section model and lastly, a mould model.
Reference Shoe
Process Photos
Task 1: Full Shoe
The first project in this series required the constructing of a replica model of our chosen shoe. It was to be made from Triplex Board and only glue could be used to assemble the shoe. Accuracy, overall neatness and detail were the key elements that would be assessed. This model came out quite well overall, the scale of the open space near the end was the most major issue.
Task 2: Section
The second model in this series was a through section model, with the main purpose being to communicate what the inside of the shoe could look like. Being more comfortable working with the same material, I was able to complete this model much quicker and still get an acceptable result. The part of the shoe that was most not-to-scale in the previous model was improved upon in this one.
Task 3: Mould
The final model in this series was a mould of the shoe, that would represent a tooling block. This proved to be very challenging as the core concept was itself difficult to visualize and to see how one could go about achieving the main things to be communicated was time consuming. This was out of all three projects, the one where I learned the most.
Project Reflection

Overall, I enjoyed this series of projects even though they were time-consuming and tedious at times. I learned that any given task/activity usually takes longer than initially anticipated and that patience is important when working on these types of models. I also learned about the properties and limits of the triplex material itself, and what works and does not when forming it to the desired shape.
Triplex Shoe

Triplex Shoe


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