BY: Christina Smith
What are the various ways in which proportion, pattern, and aggregation can communicate and extend compositional intent? 
In phase 3.1 we were asked to create 12 different iterations of a certain principle given to us. My principle was unity. When I think of unity the things that pop in my head are togetherness, pattern, syncronization etc. so when I created these models I incorporated a lot of those things and joined them together as whole. With our principle given we had to incorporate certain techniques. I chose pinch, fold, weave, and perforate. After creating 12 we chose one we thought had the most potentional and from there created 20 more iterations bouncing off our strongest one.
Here are my first 12 iterations created.
These are some of my favorite ones out of the 32 iterations I created. 
What are the various ways in which human scale, tectonic and surface can be used to simultaneously accommodate function and express intent? 
For phase 2 we picked some of our best iterations and made ditital iterations of them. I did that by first taking a picture of the model then bringing the picture into photoshop and erased the background of the picture and also changed the saturation/brightness. Then I brought the pictures into adobe illustrator and from there messed around a found different patterns that could take place. 
After creating digital iterations, I began messing with my model and realized I could create a better and more stable structure. I cut the model directly in half and started playing around with it. 
after playing around with my model some more and re-evaluating it, I finally came up with my final model which is pictured below.
next, we were to decide which had most success and develop a design through four different lenses. we had to decide the use, orientation, scale and tectonic. 
USE: to get some ideas for a use, I first began googling surfaces and structures of buildings. I came accross a picture that had a swimmoing pool in the background and instantly thought "what if I created a surface that is in the interior of a pool?" 
SCALE: full size

TECTONIC: conversational. Swimmers are able to not only interact with the wall but this structure is a way for people to start conversation. 
My for final models I created two different surfaces. one showing the pattern of the shallow end of the pool and one showing the deeper end of the pool. both surfaces were used with 3 ply bristle board.
My surface is used for swimmers to converse. This surface works best in a city/town pool. The walls fo the pool are all staggered and unified all through out the walls until the 12 foot or "deeper end". The pattern changes by different sizing of the modules and staggering. The reason I wanted some modules bigger than others in the deeper end is so swimmers can interact with it as if its a climbing wall and it can guide them selves up the side of the pool. 
Normally swimming pool walls are built in out of concrete or tile. my surface includes sharp and structured edges, so using concrete or tile would become a safe hazard. 
I did some research and found a product called Play Pour.
PLAYPOUR’s top layer is ideal for water parks because the rubber and urethane components resist the usually harmful effects of water and chemicals. Its slip-resistant qualities make this surface safe for play. Shock absorption is enough for this application. Because PLAYPOUR is mixed and applied on site, shock absorption can be increased in specified areas by adding the base layer. PLAYPOUR can be applied over an asphalt or concrete base. You have nearly endless color and design possibilities!
Deeper end pattern.
shallow end pattern.




Creative Fields