Recently,I feel every teacher in my school is my enemy. I don't trust all of them. All of them are trying to drop my grade. Their way of choosing grades is unreasonable for me. I got so mad about this. Grade 11 grades will decide my life ahead. To them, I am just one of the students in their class. So they decide my mark mechanically like a line production, Some of them asked me why I care about Uni so much. Answer is easy. Getting into the best uni is my dream. I still have a chance to try that. Therefore, I need to defy them. However, I think this anger comes from my fear of the future.I am scared of losing this last chance. That is why I feel every teacher in Shawnigan is my enemy. I do not allow any teachers who gave me negative affect and I will never allow science teachers in this school. So I chose Fear not anger. 
First reference is a real photo that I chose. 
In the second reference, I refer to the hair in that picture.

