Observational Drawing Personal Still Life
Why: This piece was chosen to represent my drawing ability because it is a realistic, compelling drawing of a still life. I used shading, perspective, and line quality to depict real life objects.
Abstract: This personal still life demonstrated my ability to translate a three-dimensional space to a bi-dimensional space through line, value, shape, gesture, and mark-making. In an attempt to show a little bit about who I am as a person, I gathered personal objects and constructed them into a portable still life. Ultimately I gained formal and conceptual understanding of elements and principles of composition. 
Process of Sketchbooks
I started by creating thumbnail sketches of various arrangements of the still life in my sketchbook.
Process of Still Life
After exploring various arrangements, I settled on the most captivating one and started with gesture drawing. Employing a sight-measuring stick and my knowledge of proportions, I worked to ensure that all the objects were accurately sized and appropriately positioned. Next, I moved on to a contour line drawing to refine my areas of focus and map out the highlights and shadows. Finally, I tackled the most challenging part of the process: adding values. Factors such as time of day, lighting, and different positioning made it particularly tricky, but I persevered and achieved a final result that I'm proud of.
Size: 18 by 24 
Materials: Graphite and Charcoal
Drawing Ability

Drawing Ability
