Brittney Blair's profile

Grow - Garden Experts


My thoughts went to services with a provider and a customer. I thought about all the services I use or provide and how my view of an app may differ from the other person's. My favorite ideas were Attorney/Client, Seller/Appraiser, Gardener/Newbie, and Cookier/Customer. Once I whittled those down, I imagined the possible features in the app and how it may look. This really narrowed it down for me.
The Idea

My final choice for this project was Gardening, or "Homestead Mentors". I loved the idea of being able to help others in a new hobby or lifestyle. I also thought the concept would bring a fun and professional design to my portfolio. I think I will focus on the gardening portion and include things like virtual plotting and gardening experience.

There are no gardening services that offer the extent of features I am proposing. I was only able to find your typical lawn care, landscaping, or gardening blog. The landscape websites were very boring and unimaginative while the blogs were all very floral and frilly. I want to design an app that is attractive without feeling like it is made just for women.

1. Amber, 55, is an expert on gardening and loves to help others.
2. Toby, 61, is an experienced farmer and wants to help others with their goals.
3. Chris, 42, grew up growing gardens and is excited to share her knowledge.

1. Caroline, 30, has plans for a large garden for her family.
2. Kevin, 26, just bought a home and wants to learn about gardening.
3. Mitch, 38, has been gardening, but would like to have a better harvest this year.

1. You just received a scan from Anita Cooper to plan her garden. Use the desktop app to organize her plants.
2. You got a message from Anita Cooper asking for help. Use the desktop app to open her message.
3. Wendy Darling wants to order plants that will deter mosquitos. Use the desktop app to send her two lemongrass plants.

1. You are ready to plan your garden. Use the app to scan the area you would like to plant.
2. You are having issues with Japanese Beetles in your garden. Use the app to ask for help.
3. Your father will be staying with you indefinitely. Use the app to add another family member.
Yard scan: this will be similar to typical camera experiences.
Messaging: this will look like texting so it feels familiar.
Information input: I would like to use icons where I can.
*This screen was later changed to a profile page.
Desktop: Each icon will add on, so all menu items are always visible.
Sketches and Wireframes

Creating the wireframes from the sketches helped me to see where there may be large gaps in the layout. I am working on the desktop chat page where the conversation doesn't necessarily need to take up the entire screen, so I am exploring other ways to arrange that page. I am also looking for ways to take out words and just have an icon present. The menu bar on the desktop also needs simplifying and I need a way to navigate the mobile screens.
User Test 1

Performing the first user test showed me that my scenarios needed to be worded differently. Also, because I have not fully integrated my icons, it was easy for the user to "click" on the words. I plan to do the next user test after I have the icons in place. I also have a few more organization ideas I would like to include.
User Test 2

I only tested the desktop this time. The user gave opinions on different elements and what was easy to see or most noticeable. She also suggested adding some texture. I made the suggested changes and am playing with different places I could add subtle texture. 
User Test 3

I was able to have my user test the desktop and mobile this time. The mobile was quite simple and went smoothly. The desktop seems a little heavy and not all of my links were hooked up properly. She also had a difficult time knowing what to do after adding the lemongrass on the order screen.
User Test 4

My final user test was very informative. The user was able to go through each scenario. He had some suggestions about making the option to scroll more obvious and moving existing elements to additional places.
Grow - Garden Experts

Grow - Garden Experts
