As a marketing solution provider, Exponential has a new and exciting angle: dive into what really makes people unique to uncover true behaviors, interests, and opportunities. But the sophistication of Exponential's methods can make telling the brand story difficult.
Mirroring the company’s research-based approach, The Garrigan Lyman Group (GLG) dug into what would resonate with its target audience and turned an ordinary message on its head with humor: your customers aren’t who you think they are. We brought this idea to life with bold, original photography designed around the unexpected collision of seemingly contradictory character traits. It’s a fresh, arresting way to explain the Exponential brand promise, and through a print and online campaign, it’s making people stop, smile, and think again.
Wood-carving Stepford wife
Cross-stitching skater punk
Print and online executions
Pony-collecting tough guy


Exponential helps brands find new customers where they least expect to. A new campaign tells its story in an unexpected way.
