Day 65 of daily artworks of Deniz from Journey Industries
[explanation below]
Oh boy this is a lot to unpack. I wanted to depict the daily struggles of racing with time, trying to build a life with no guides, having too many balls in the air, and too many thoughts in the brain. Take me for example; the books on top of the pillars symbolize the important tasks I have to do daily such as learning new things, making myself a god damn editor reel to get new gigs (I've been postponing it for a year now), daily chores like buying my cat litter, trying to keep a peace of mind, socializing, organizing my days, getting enough sleep, you name them. Sure... 1st world problems right? Yeah, no. For the past 3 months I've been busy all. the. time. Before that I just finished my things early on in the week then did nothing. Actually trying to do things takes a lot of time y'all. And it feels god damn awesome. Journey Industries alone takes up 1/5 of my day. Which leads me to go to sleep in the morning, waking up 4 hours lates, messing up my hormonal balances and health. But it keeps me focused and motivated so I want to keep it going because my future is constantly at risk, and that's fine. Who has their futures laid out comfortably anyways? Nepo-babies... Not an honour I've yet to reach unfortunately (c'mon mom get rich so I can spend all day learning Blender). Sometimes I spend so much time on my computer working that I feel like my hands have become mouse cursors, my brain; just an endless amount of browser tabs that stay open, and my deteriorating health; warning signs flashing up on the screen. The new day menacingly creeps it's beautiful head from the horizon as I lay to sleep, already bringing it's challenges and problems that I can't wait to battle, I press the new-day button then get my beautiful 4-hours of sleep. I love it. I really do. I just need to organize my days better. I appreciate everybody who looks at, likes, shares, reads the things I do on here. Wishing you nothing but the best universe has to offer. 



65th day I love this one. but i can't keep spending 5 hours everyday aaaaa
