Rheanna Romero's profile

Pita Jungle Website Usability Assessment

Pita Jungle Website Usability (Early 2021)
Tools Used:
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Word
Pita Jungle Website (Early 2021)

Work with a small team to create a presentation and present how to improve the Pita Jungle website after performing usability tests with participants of our choosing.

1. Researched and performed quality analysis for the Pita Jungle website. Drafted a persona based off of the exploration of the Pita Jungle website.
2. Designed a questionnaire and gathered data.
3. Performed individual heuristic evaluations of the Pita Jungle website.
4. Created a site map with any adjustments from the data gathered from the questionnaire and heuristic evaluations.
5. Drafted a usability test composed of three scenarios for a user to test the Pita Jungle website as determined by the questionnaire and heuristic evaluation. Included a pre-test and post-test questionnaire to gather additional data from the users performing the tasks, as well as a script to maintain consistency.
6. Performed the usability test with individually, with each group member gathering data from two participants each (6 total).
7. Built a presentation, while also maintaining brand consistency, displaying the findings of the usability case study.
8. Presented as a team to a group of about 30 individuals and received critiques ranging from the PowerPoint layout to the usability case study.
Visit the live site: https://www.pitajungle.com
Pita Jungle Website Usability Assessment

Pita Jungle Website Usability Assessment
