Space Shooters
This is a game me and my college mates design for our Arcade project in which we made a reaction-based shooter.
This was the poster I designed for the game showing off the space station, 3d models of some of the characters and the method of attacking in the game.
For this project me and my team decided to split up into different areas in which we would cover of the game, I ended up choosing the game design part and coding the game.
When it came to the early designs for the game there were 2 things outside of the concept that we knew we wanted to at least try and get in the game. First off was the option for both PvP and single player.
We then decided as a team to have different sprites available to the player(s) and AI in the game and so I added in not only a character select screen but also a scoreboard keeping track of your high score.
Next up came the hardest part as by this point the game was mostly functioning with randomly shooting AI to keep the player on their feet during AI mode and fully functionality for both multi/single player, the hardest part being controller support something we decided on at least trying in to get working on our game as for a game like this it would feel and be a better experience on a controller than keyboard and mouse.
But I got controller working for the game in its entirety including pop-ups with ready, set, fire. This game is also up on my for download with the game controls in the description of the project.
Space Shooters

Space Shooters


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