video live performance of the piece written by Magdalena Białecka
In this project you can see the result of my collaboration with Ukrainian photographer and camera operator Pavlo Khabarov, with whom we filmed the performance of the piece Anteros live at the Bydgoszcz Music Academy - "Feliks Nowowiejski"

During the shooting, Pavel was the operator for dynamic close-ups, while I was the operator of general static shots and did the video editing.
Magdalena Białecka Anteros for soprano, flute and string quintet

composer : Magdalena Białecka
conductor - Magdalena Cichoń 
soprano - Adrianna Zmudzińska 
flute - Magdalena Sikora 
I violin - Maciej Danielak 
II violin - Wiktoria Święciochowska 
viola - Aleksandra Pasławska 
cello - Gracjana Huk 
double bass - Mateusz Bałdyga 

sound production:
recording - Dawid Konecki 
montage - Michał Biedziuk

video production:
I camera - Pavlo Khabarov
II camera - Nikita Tsivkunov
montaż filmowy - Nikita Tsivkunov
Thank you for your attention !

