Cushy Kid
My first small rigging project "Cushions" which I left in the middle, it's just a short clip of a small "Cushy" asking her mommy how cushions came to life. I made it a long time ago, then got busy with work, for a very long time I haven't posted on Linkedin so here is something for my feed that a Motion Designer is still alive and working just away from Social media due to work.

Motion Design is all about enjoying and I enjoy learning new stuff.

Share your opinion on how it is looking, what I should've done and what can I do to improve it.

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Open for projects

#motiondesign #motiongraphics #3danimation #3dMotionGraphics #3dMotiondesign #Blender3d #Blendercycles #productanimation #BlenderHair #freelanceMotionDesign

Cushy Kid


Cushy Kid
