People may view the preservation of their bloodline as being fulfilled by bearing children. I however view preservation as an act of maintaining traditions. “Steeped” serves to honor the women who created me and bring me strength. It is an expression of tradition, heritage, and connection. Three generations of Wynn women exist in tandem at this present moment. What an empowering thought that is.
Steeped is just as much a recognition of grief and the acceptance of our temporality as beings who expire as it is an expression of strength building overtime. As I grow and learn, my grandmother, and mother come closer to an end. I am aware that I may not preserve my family line by having children. Instead, I seek to continue my family spirit through art and honoring tradition.
In order, from left to right my grandmother and her firstborn, my mother and her only child, and myself- childless but bearing a camera. “Good dishes,” referring to porcelain sets, have been used for special occasions or passed from generation to generation. This set belongs to my grandmother and was passed to my mother and I at the same time. We all share a love of King Cole tea. Many of my childhood memories involve sharing tea with grandma and mom.
6, Vandyke Brown prints, 6x7cm, teabags, porcelain teacups and saucers. 




6, Vandyke Brown prints, 6x7cm, teabags, porcelain teacups and saucers. Portraits of artist's Grandmother, Mother, and herself exposed onto empt Read More
