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Advertising And Narrative

                                                   Advertising And Narrative
Due: 28th April 
Aim: 15 images using different types of flash styles
Friday AM - 9AM-1:30PM
-Digital Workbook
-PDF Files
-Jpeg and Raw files
-Digital Photographic Images
Flash Research 

Fill Flash is a photographic technique used to brighten deep shadows areas , typically outdoors on a sunny day, through the technique is useful any time the background is significantly brighter than the subject of photograph , particularly in backlit subjects

Dramatic lighting has lights focused on one area of the photo but not focused on the other parts.

Fill flash basic: you have a flash on your camera = 2 exposures = 1 is ambient light (the light that you can't control e.g the sky and sun. To deal with that is to correctly exposure (settings).The 2nd exposure is the studio flash. This need to match settings

For example: 
-shoot with no flash (tiny underexposure)
-camera set to Manuel mode
-iso as low as you can go , possibly 100?
-aperture value - look through camera and use built in meter
-*ISO 100 , Shutter 1/180 , Aperture f/4
-Meter the light to match flash/camera
Fill Flash 
Dramatic Flash Photography 
                                                        ARTIST Research
Bruce Gilden
A short text about where the photographer or photo shoot is from?
Gilden is an American photographer, who is known for his candid close-up photographs of people on the streets of New York City, using a flash gun. 
How does the photographer work? i.e do they work with fashion or music?
Bruce works with random strangers as all of his photos are people he doesn't know and will probably never see again. 
Where is their work featured, or where/who do they work for?
Bruce is a freelance photographer. He has worked in many countries such as Haiti, France, Ireland, India, Russia and England to name a few. Bruce has also worked for Magnum Photos since 1998. 
What camera do you think is used? (35mm, medium format? What type of lens?)
I think Gilden uses a 35mm. As researched, in the last few years he has used a 35mm Leica. He has also used a Tri-x (Kodak). 
Is it a studio image or shot on location?
The chosen images are on location. 
Was a flash used or natural lighting? 
Gilden uses a flash gun in these images. 
Is it film or a digital image? If so, how is this expressed in the image? 
In this set, the images are all digital. This is shown as they images are very clear. 
What models are in the image and how are they posed? 
The models are people of the streets. All images are candid. This means the images are all in the moment. 
How is the image composed? What about the composition makes it striking? 
The following images have many composition such as leading lines, frame with a frame, golden spiral, rule of odds and so on. 
Is the image very clear of slightly out of focus? 
Very clear
What tones are in the image? 
These are highly contrasted. 
What colour is it? 
They are all in monochrome which are highly saturated. 
Is the image very clean or edited to appear older? 
They are clean but the black and white makes it appear older. 
Is there any texture to the image? 
Yes, every person's skin is shown and everyones features help to stand out. 
                                                         ARTIST RESEARCH 2

A short text about where the photographer or photo shoot is from?
Ansel is a world famous landscape photographer. He was born on 20th Feb 1902, but sadly passed away on 22nd April 1984.
How does the photographer work? i.e do they work with fashion or music?
Adam in his photography years mainly worked in landscapes in black and white.
Where is their work featured, or where/who do they work for?
You can see Adam's work in MOMA, and he also has a few books released. One book contains 400 images. His work is also in the National Portrait Gallery in Washington.
What camera do you think is used? (35mm, medium format? What type of lens?)
Adam was known to use a Deardof 8x10 view camera and also a Hassleblad 500c medium formate with a 120mm roll film. 
Is it a studio image or shot on location?
As Adam is a landscape photographer, all of his work is on location (Yosemite National Park).
Was a flash used or natural lighting? 
Ansel uses both natural lighting and flash. This was dangerous as it was a flash gun.
Is it film or a digital image? If so, how is this expressed in the image? 
It is a film image, this is expressed at the current time period.
What models are in the image and how are they posed? 
There are no models as it is pure landscape. 
How is the image composed? What about the composition makes it striking? 
There is composition. For example rule of thirds, golden spiral and leading lines for example. 
Is the image very clear of slightly out of focus? 
The images are clear, but in most of the dark areas, there are grains. 
What tones are in the image? 
All of the images are in monochrome (black and white). This is black, grey and white.
What colour is it? 
The colours are unsaturated with cool and warm tones.
Is the image very clean or edited to appear older? 
The images aren't edited as the time period and its film. It was all point and shoot. 
Is there any texture to the image? 
 Yes, in the photos it has different types of texture. For example, the stones, mountains and the sky. 
                                                            Annie Leibovitz
A short text about where the photographer or photo shoot is from?
Annie is an American photographer. She is well known for Queen Elizabeth 2nd portraits. 
How does the photographer work? i.e do they work with fashion or music?
Annie works as a portrait photographer, mainly on location.
Where is their work featured, or where/who do they work for?
A few of her collections are in the Art Institute of Chicago, MOMA in New York and Los Angeles County Museum of Art to name a few. 
What camera do you think is used? (35mm, medium format? What type of lens?)
Leibovitz uses a Minolta SRT-101, but also uses a Mamiya RZ67. All I think are 35mm. 
Is it a studio image or shot on location?
I believe they are location photos. 
Was a flash used or natural lighting? 
I believe flash is used. 
Is it film or a digital image? If so, how is this expressed in the image? 
I think it is film.
What models are in the image and how are they posed? 
Leibovitz's photos contain Queen Elizabeth 2nd. The Queen is posed as very smart and serious. 
How is the image composed? What about the composition makes it striking? 
The images have the following composition. Leading lines, rule of thirds, texture and patterns and golden spiral which are all leading to the queen. 
Is the image very clear of slightly out of focus? 
I think the image is clear and edited. 
What tones are in the image? 
There are little tones in the image. It is mostly dark tones but the lighting helps the queen stand out.
What colour is it? 
The colours all match. For example there are some reds, gold and white which show elegance and class. 
Is the image very clean or edited to appear older? 
I think the image is edited. For example, the room is darker than the area around the Queen.
Is there any texture to the image? 
There is slight texture to the background of each image, for example the first image the queen was edited into the photo by Annie which shows more background texture than subject. 
                                                     Charlie Waite
A short text about where the photographer or photo shoot is from?
Waite is an English photographer who is dedicated to landscapes. Before working as a photographer, we was working in theatre and television. 
How does the photographer work? i.e do they work with fashion or music?
Charlie is known as a landscape photographer.
Where is their work featured, or where/who do they work for?
You can see Charlie work in the Bosham Gallery, where he has had numerous exhibitions since 2014/2015. 
What camera do you think is used? (35mm, medium format? What type of lens?)
Waite uses both film and digital cameras such as Canon, Nikon DSLR, Hasslebald film with lens ranging from 24mm-200mm. 
Is it a studio image or shot on location?
These are shot on location.
Was a flash used or natural lighting? 
In some images there is flash.
Is it film or a digital image? If so, how is this expressed in the image? 
These are digital images, and this is expressed as they are HD and clear.
What models are in the image and how are they posed? 
As it is pure landscape, there was no model needed. 
How is the image composed? What about the composition makes it striking? 
In all of the selected photos, there is a range of compositions such as rule of odds, leading lines, patterns and symmetry. 
Is the image very clear of slightly out of focus? 
The images are clear. 
What tones are in the image? 
In the images, there is a range of tones such as in the middle of black to white.
What colour is it? 
As it is landscape, there is a range of colour from purple to greens, to blue and yellows. This is a mix of warm and cool tones.
Is the image very clean or edited to appear older? 
I believe some of the images have been edited to get the colours. 
Is there any texture to the image? 
With landscape, there is a range of texture from the sky and grass mainly. 
                                                        Laura Jade
A short text about where the photographer or photo shoot is from?
Laura was born Staffordshire in England. She started photography at the age of 14 years old. 
How does the photographer work? i.e do they work with fashion or music?
Laura is a fashion photographer but also specialises in portraits. 
Where is their work featured, or where/who do they work for?
Laura is a freelancer, but she had work with clients such as NARS and Estee Lauder. However, she has also shot for Vogue Japan, InStyle and Town and Country UK etc. 
What camera do you think is used? (35mm, medium format? What type of lens?)
I think she uses Canon, but not sure what make. The lens used is 75-300mm.
Is it a studio image or shot on location?
As far as I can tell, they are all studio images.
Was a flash used or natural lighting? 
I believe Laura uses a mixture of continuous light and flash. 
Is it film or a digital image? If so, how is this expressed in the image? 
They are all digital images, and this is expressed by how clear and sharp the images are. 
What models are in the image and how are they posed? 
All of the models are professional models, and the poses are all industry standard which is perfect for an advertisement fashion shoot. 
How is the image composed? What about the composition makes it striking? 
From what I can see, all images are fill the frame as they are up close to the model. 
Is the image very clear or slightly out of focus? 
All of the images I have chosen are sharp and in focus. 
What tones are in the image? 
The tones in this image are in the middle. This is because all of the images are in colour, due to the high key lighting set up. 
What colour is it? 
The colour is all natural and basic. This is to help showcase the fashion which is the main focus
Is the image very clean or edited to appear older? 
All images are clean, however they have been touched up to industry standard. 
Is there any texture to the image? 
From what I can see, there is more texture from the clothes and hair as the background is seamless. 
                                          FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY
Fill flash is a photographic technique used to brighten deep shadows areas, typically outdoors on sunny days. Though the technique is useful at any time , the background has to be significantly brighter than the subject of the photograph.

Dramatic Lighting has lights focused on one area of the photo I.E the subject but not focused on other parts
My equipment list for studio shoot (FILL AND DRAMATIC)

Canon 2000D   1 - MY OWN
Elinchrom RX1200 - 2 - kit store
Lighting stands - 2
Wind up stands - 1 
Polyboards - 2
Polyboard stands 2 - both in 213
Strip soft box - 1
Reflector dish - 1
snoot - 1
beauty dish - 1
Colorama - 1
Canon Speedlite EL-100 FLASH - My own

My Equipment list for location
Canon 200D
Extra battery
SD CARDS - 2/3
Speedlite - EL-100 FLASH
                                                         Landscape Photography

What is Landscape Photography?
Landscape photography shows the spaces within the world, sometimes vast and unending  , but other times microscopic. Landscape photographs typically capture the presence of nature but can also focus on man-made features.
- Is a visible feature of land , often considered in terms of their aesthetic appeal

Key words - Scenery , Panama , aspect.

"a formate of printed matter or screen display that is wider than it is high"
Different types of landscapes

There is 3 types which are:
-Representational (also known as straight style)

For my ORIGINAL ideas I was looking at locations such as
-Greenwich park
-Nunhead cemetery 
-Telegraph Hill 
-Bermondsey Beach
-Elbury Bridge Road
-Charlton Bridge
Autism By NHS
What is it ?
If you find it hard to communicate 
Hard to understand how others feel
If bright lights make you feel uncomfortable 
And so many more, could be signs of autism 
Not responding 
Avoiding eye contact
Taste , smell or sound making them upset.
Getting diagnosed
Is a long process
Planning Continued

Fill Flash - Studio - Jake as the model , Shows Autism in the real world - High key -3 lights
Dramatic Flash - Jake in a suit , Studio (31/3/23 booked 6pm-10pm with Eva and Odafe) , 1 light , sitting down
Flash on location - FINAL locations - Wembley , In a park , bridge
Portrait on a landscape - Blackheath , Brighton , Telegraph Hill
Landscape -Also Brighton , telegraph hill and blackheath.

Lighting diagrams 
Train Tickets to Brighton - it was a good few hours even if me and J almost missed the last train back to London.
Out of all I think Brighton was my strongest idea
Why did I decide to go to those locations?
I wanted to go to these locations to bring out J as a person and his personality to the audience.For example J favourite memory is with his mum and they went to a beach and had the best day as a family full of laughter , ice cream and jokes.
Reason why I wanted to do this ?
Autism is very close to my heart. Their is so much stigma to autism like how they can’t function in a normal job etc. My model jake is 26 with autism with a job as assistant buyer for John Lewis. What a lot of people don’t know is that autism is very common and that people with autism are the most hardworking people I’ve ever met 

what went well
I am so happy with my out comes. I enjoyed going out to new locations and getting to know J and his autism better.

Better next time
to practice on my own with lighting 
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