Imagine a world where, instead of living our lives in a lively, soft, warm flesh cover, we immediately start decomposing. We become skeletons by the time we start going to school where we learn to be "logical". We spend the rest of our lives repairing the damages. Some of us start the reparations early on, some of us crumble and disappear into thin air before they even knew about such concepts. "NATURADITION" is a made-up word. Obviously. It is about the binary opposition of nature versus tradition. Trying to hold on to the part of us that is connected to something that is actually alive. Watering that dead tree inside every single day, disconnecting all the phones then throwing them out of the window just to be sure, when the pessimists call. Struggle of breaking away from our ancestors who hid from their potentials behind curtains, and becoming our own individuals.




39th day? i think. deniz journeying.
