The theme of the Global Game Jam 2014 was "We don't see the world as it is, we see it as we are." Or something of that sort. The jam ran for 48 hours and I was part of two projects for it, both done in the game lab.
The first of the two was created by Danny, Danny, Liam and me. After a lot of disagreement over ideas (including wheels and bouncing words), we settled on the smartass idea of having the world literally constructed of copies of the player. It was originally going to have a different character every level, with the music based on that character. The game ended up infuriating because one could never tell where the player was among all his copies. I drew some of the art for that game: Don Corleone and Darth Vader in pixel art.
Source files, executable and more information here
The game I started working on roughly in the middle of the Jam was a sidescrolling platformer in which the player was completely blind - it had no visuals and only directional sound to help the player navigate. I only made the first level for it and it wasn't quite stellar - but it was somehting completely new for me and I still feel quite proud of it. It is also the inspiration of Alain - the game for my Application assessment.
My initial idea was that imagination would be the way we would see the world if we couldn't actually see it. The way I see it, imagination is what we are more than what we perceive. The sounds used were initially going to be mostly musical tones on various instruments, and passages of music.
Then I switched to more realistic sounds. Following are some of the key sounds in the game. I downloaded them free-to-use from somewhere.
Cave ambiance - the second part of the single level is in a cave.
Hawk for a vast, open-air mountainous feel in the first part of the level
What the level's "Boss" sounds like. You have to get past him to get to freedom!
Forest ambiance
Drips and drops - part of the cave's ambiance. It's supposed to feel vast and wet
Player death. I'm sorry, I couldn't resist!
Jon lent me his voice for the spiritual companion of our main character who is blind. The protagonist cannot see but can hear very well and his spiritual companion is a sort of supernatural presence who acts as the protagonist's eyes. I'm thinking maybe he's the soul of a dead adventurer or something similar?
Source files, executable and more info here
Global Game Jam 2014

Global Game Jam 2014

My two entries for the 2014 Global Game Jam


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