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Trailer production for Goons of Balatroon

Making a video trailer for the NFT game Goons of Balatroon was a unique and exciting challenge. The goal was to give players a taste of the game's world and mechanics, while also showcasing its vibrant and detailed artwork. The team decided to use Adobe After Effects to create the trailer, taking advantage of its powerful animation and compositing features. We began by screencasting footage of the game in action, capturing key moments of gameplay and showing off the player's interactions with the game's colorful characters. Next, we combined this footage with the client's assets, such as concept art, character models, and UI elements, to create an immersive and engaging trailer that showcased the best of what Goons of Balatroon has to offer. The team carefully animated the different elements to bring the game world to life, adding special effects and sound design to heighten the sense of excitement and anticipation.
Trailer production for Goons of Balatroon


Trailer production for Goons of Balatroon

Production of a game trailer
