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Louis Vuitton Goes Sweet !

Louis Vuitton Goes Sweet: A Luxury Confectionary Collection
Louis Vuitton, the epitome of luxury and style, is taking a new direction in their offerings with the release of a confectionary collection. The prestigious fashion house is putting their signature touch on the world of sweets and desserts, offering a line of artisanal treats that will tantalize the taste buds of sweet lovers everywhere.
Slider with post color correction
Step by Step of the project
-Some Screenshots of work in progress-
The collection features a range of delectable confections, from chocolate truffles and macarons to gourmet candies and artisanal chocolate bars. Each treat is crafted with the finest ingredients, including premium Belgian chocolate, fresh fruits and high-quality spices, and finished with the iconic Louis Vuitton monogram.
Models (Texture and clays)
Louis Vuitton Goes Sweet !


Louis Vuitton Goes Sweet !
