On The Go_🌭🔥
For the second brief of #EatCaptureShare #ECSgrowth challenge of the @eatcaptureshare challenge from @thelittleplantation I choose a hot dog food truck. The title of this piece is also the slogan: 
”In HOT DOGS we trust” 🌭🔥
I wanted to work on an image with a completely different style from the one I usually post on my social networks. I wanted to allow myself to break with something different... and I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce eroticism into the image. Portray the DESIRE for food through sexual desire. Where you see the hot dog one can imagine a sex toy, a dildo, a penis, ... imagination to the power! Work an authentic #foodporn. I have chosen an elegant and manicured female hand (red nails that give it a seductive feeling) holding the hot dog as an erotic symbol. That gives a sexual point to the image. In addition, the fall of the mustard on the sausage writing "sexy" ends up giving it that eroticism that plays with it for the audience and with a subject that always moves "passions": sex.
All this in a scene that represents a glamorous image and contrasts with #fastfood. But at the same time sells the hot dog almost as something luxurious.
Hope the judges @eatcaptureshare @thelittleplantation @twinsinmykitchen @chickpea_mag like my creative proposal for this challenge!! 😊💫🙏🏽
In HOT DOGS we trust


In HOT DOGS we trust
