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The 6 Creative Strategies

The 6 Creative Strategies 
For this assignment, we were instructed to design and create 6 different designs to represent each creative strategies. This allowed us to not only understand them on a deeper level but hone in on our photoshop and creative skills. The objective states, "This exercise will familiarize you with a helpful framework for developing creative design solutions to express meaningful ideas. These strategies should become well understood so they can continue to be practiced and employed in future projects."
This creative strategy focuses on taking two unrelated things and making it into something unexpected. These designs also help to highlight the differences of the objects, thus surprising the viewer. "I added a background which gave the grass brush more dimension. I made sure to keep the brush the focus but also not be so different that is looks out of place."
By separating the composition from its surrounding, focusing the viewer on the design rather than the background, you create an isolation design. "I took two of my draft ideas and made them into one cohesive design. I wanted to really focus on the flowers coming out of the brush, so I made the background black and white."
Metaphor or Simile
The meaning behind the object relating to something else. "I gave my draft a background to really help you focus more on whats important without it seeming out of place. I made sure to angel the design better and focus it more on the erasing design."
Change of Context/Environment
To highlight the design, change of context uses unnatural or uncommon environments to help communicate or highlight the content. "I started with the idea of a rocket but I wanted to add a more paint element to the brush since it just looked like some bristles. I hoped to keep it simple but also make sense."
Physical/Shape Similarity
Normally un-connecting objects connected to showcase the similarities between them. "I made sure that the two brushes were aligned. I also added a simple yet stunning background to add depth."
Material Change/Swap/Focus
Material property that are accustomed to one another. "After knocking out the background of the paintbrush and removing the brush head, I added the flash light head. I also used another picture to create the light and then added shadow to the 'flashbrush'."
The 6 Creative Strategies


The 6 Creative Strategies
