Dominika Drozd's profile

MEND - health care workshop and logo design

MEND - Mental Health Workshop Logo Design
MEND is a project that started in my Social Services studies in Metropolia. Currently the project aim is to continue the design process of the MEND logo prototype and promotional material for an imaginary organization, however the logo has also been used during a workshop in my studies.
The project is a logo design for a health field organization/ project/ workshop etc. I myself used the logo for a workshop implemented in Metropolia, this workshop was on mental health and animating social support within a community or group. The designs created for the project MEND can be seen below, and the workshop created under this design can also be viewed. 
Low-Fidelity Prototype: Logo Design and Slogan
The workshop done under the MEND logo and slogan was conducted in late 2020, the participants were social services students of Metropolia who were distance learning using platforms like Zoom or Teams. The aim of the workshop was to animate a community or group to be more supportive, facilitate trust within a counselling group, encourage positivity, reduce mental health related risks students learning online face and increase inclusion. Implementation of the workshop can be seen below: 
Some affirmation cards created during the workshop:
MEND - health care workshop and logo design

MEND - health care workshop and logo design


Creative Fields