Sean Bertolini's profile

Sleepwalkers for Hope

Sleepwalkers for Hope
Sleepwalkers for Hope is a non profit founded by Robert Weisberg in 2022. Robert Weisberg was a 9/11 first responder and firefighter who suffers from PTSD, causing him to have many restless nights filled with nightmares from 9/11 and other events from being a firefighter. An avid outdoorsman and hiker, Robert Weisberg set out to find a way to give others who suffer from similar restless nights caused by PTSD hope by setting out to hike the entirety of the Appalachian Trail, a 6 month long hike. The foundation serves as a way for people to donate food and camp supplies for the hike, and also a way for fellow hero’s suffering from PTSD to follow Robert Weisberg’s journey and be motivated and have hope for themselves and their symptoms. 
Logo Creation Process
Some of Robert Weisberg’s must haves in the logo was a hiker hiking a trail, representing his quest hiking the appalachian trail, and to have the text wrap around the hiker in a circle. So I began with the hiker and the circles, all following the golden ratio to keep the proportions of all aspects of the logo the most visually pleasing to the eye. Then I deceived to add in a sun and some light rays in the background, also following the proportions of the golden ratio, to represent the hope aspect of the foundation. Then we played with typefaces and decided that Adorn Copperplate best fit his logo. 
First Drafts
Final Logo
Sleepwalkers for Hope

Sleepwalkers for Hope
