Del Castillo EPK
Electronic Press Kit
Music Valley Group on a project for the increasingly popular Del Castillo. I had never heard of the band or their music (so I had thought). The band has toured with several well known acts. Their music has been featured in several motion pictures such as, "Kill Bill Volume 2" and "Once Upon A Time In Mexico".

Technology has moved us so far ahead that the old standard of sending a hard copy kit to promoters is now taboo. Websites are used commonly now, but those require internet access to view. So for this project it was decided the desired format would be an interactive pdf. You can download it. Save it to external drives and storage devices. Anyone can access it through Acrobat Reader without need of an internet connection. You can also print it off if desired in a high quality print. Unlike screen shots or print page on a website.

The actual pdf when opened functions and navigates like a website. The links at the top allow you to easily jump to the desired page. There are forward and back buttons on the lower right corner. The video and music files (not shown on screen shots) play when you click them. The web links give you an easy way to access the sites directly. All put together in a visually appealing package. Content was provided by Music Valley Group. I created the visual layout, navigation and formatting for the kit.

Here are the screen shots of the kit. I hope you enjoy.
The video and music links are included in the interactive pdf. They are not shown here on the screen shot.
Del Castillo EPK

Del Castillo EPK

Electronic Press Kit (EPK) for latin sensation Del Castillo. Includes home page, bio, press, photos, media and contact information. Sent to promo Read More
