BELL is an engineering competition held within the framework of the
Bauman Moscow State Technical University.

Our team CGX4 (Creative group of four members) got the task to develop the concept of a cell tower with a built in installation system which will be applicable in hard to reach places and won't require the use of additional equipment.

The project had to be completed within 24 hours, after which it was defended in front of company representatives.

3D-Modeling: Mark Kuznetsov, Alina Dedkova
Analysis of data: Mark Kutepov
Visualization design: Pavel Rassco
At the start of the project, we conducted research in order to determine which materials need to be used for the construction. Metal parts are to be covered in zinc to protect them from corrosion and various malfunctions of mechanisms during construction.
The mechanism is based on the concept of a jack-screw, as lower parts of the tower are lowered down as the upper ones are raise higher. The technique is reliable while also being economically cheap. On top of that it can be further upgraded in the future.
We have determined multiple risks that could lead to the construction falling apart. Because of that additional metal cables are to be added for better stability and easier management of the construction process.
A 3D model of the tower was designed. Showcasing possible variants of installing the wheels for better mobility. As well as the usage of additional equipment.
3D-Modeling: Mark Kuznetsov, Alina Dedkova
Analysis of data: Mark Kutepov
Visualization design: Pavel Rassco

Thank you for attention and appreciation!
