Ryan Hammett's profile

Senior AP Art Concentration: Miracles of Jesus

Jesus turning water into wine
Jesus walking on water
Jesus healing the 10 lepers
Jesus healing the paralyzed man who was brought by his three best friends
Jesus healing the woman with the infirmity
Jesus healing a blind man
Handling Salvation: The Crucifixion of Christ as Seen through His Hands
Out with the Old, In with the New
Jesus heals the ear of the servant whom Peter cut in the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus feeding the 5000
Jesus helping the demon-possessed man
Jesus calming the storm
Senior AP Art Concentration: Miracles of Jesus

Senior AP Art Concentration: Miracles of Jesus

This is my Advanced Placement work from senior year in high school. I chose to render the miracles of Christ in order to retell them through diff Read More


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