This year I took part in the annual Folktaleweek, a wonderful challenge for illustrators to show their creativity! The main theme which I chose for the Folktaleweek was Ukrainian legends and Slavic mythology in general. I cherish my culture and heritage, so it was important to show our national beliefs and stories. Also, I took my research to correctly show the representation of our culture. Enjoy!
Day 1 Fool
You can call them the Ukrainian version of a siren, a nymph. These creatures had the appearance of young girls who lured foolish boys to the water with the help of their beautiful appearance and voice.
Day 2 Tree
In Ukrainian songs, the World Tree is an oak tree with golden bark. Viburnum is a symbol of beauty, light and freedom. Thorn is a symbol of lightning, and the falcon itself is an image of the Sun. Little doves and beautiful girl symbolises life.
Day 3 Star
According to legends, witches loved to steal and collect stars.
Day 4 Rebel
In Ukrainian stories, Cossack characternik could transform into animals and be invulnerable to iron weapons and bullets.
Day 5 Costume
Zorya (Dawn) is a goddess in Ukrainian legends, a feminine personification of dawn. She looks like a kind, young girl wearing a green dress with golden boots.
Day 6 Potion
Magical fern flower. According to legends, a boy who finds a flower will have a happy and healthy family. But the flower is protected by evil forces. It is necessary to stay with the flower until dawn.
Day 7 Victory
The victory of good over evil. In mythology, the snake/dragon has the characteristics of a demonic creature. The evil force has many common functions with the snake. the Sun is a symbol of new beginnings, rebirth. According to beliefs, the Sun destroyed all kinds of evil and dark forces, symbolising the arrival of spring and purification.
Thank you for watching!