Figma Community Instagram Mockup
Some of us hold in the volume of the oceans. We all reach a breaking point.
You can talk about plans, goals, and different scenarios all day long, but you have to put in the work to make them happen. Otherwise, it's wasted breath.
Y refers to the female chromosome, but this lyric should be considered part of the human experience. We may find ourselves in scenarios where people chip away at our being, the true self that we know and love. It's never worth it to lose yourself for another at your own expense.
Some people in life will only there to add to your struggle. These lyrics follow the artists journey from starting art school, to going through a full rap career, to discovering his love for art again. I have a similar journey with my passion for art, so it's always resonated with me. 
I remember many times fondly looking at my daughter in the rearview mirror when I would leave to go to school, or work. A thought IS loves currency. You can't get the time back from thinking about someone, and I wouldn't want to take any second back in thinking about a memory of my child.
"Asking women to live smaller lives is not an acceptable solution to the problem of a dangerous world." -Dessa
Lyric Exercise


Lyric Exercise

Music has always been large part of my life. For this six hour exercise, I warmed up by searching for songs to choose six different lyrics. Liste Read More
