Animation Broken home
The project “Broken Home” was inspired by Kelly Clarkson’s song “Piece by piece”. The beginning of the song tells the story of a father leaving his family and leaving pieces of his past behind. Taking inspiration from this, the project tells the story of a couple 
who are in the process of separation. With pieces of their belongings scattered amongst the living room, a space of a home most associated with family life. The scattered objects represent the “Pieces” of memories that remain, slowly being removed and packed up.
The narrative
A modest young family has endured the pain of constant unfamiliarity and
uncertainty for years. The feeling of not knowing when and where they will
settle, as time passes, they accept defeat. Now broken and shattered, the
family divide into two in the hopes of finding a stable home.
The space
The living room captures moments of life and growth, one that is empty
and incomplete. Boxes of memories left unopened as dust slowly collates a
top. Moving from one place to another, the same cycle repeats. As broken
pieces scatter across the room, a glimmer of light present a new beginning
and mend the broken.
Broken Home

Broken Home
