I created this in September of 2022, using Cinema 4d and the Redshift render engine and Redshift materials.

This is a boring little video, but I like the space, the lighting, and the weighty feeling...it seems like a large space/object, to me, but obviously that is open to interpretation.  As I was working on it, I was thinking of some large steel structures that I've seen.

In the future, I need to experiment with fields affecting the texture, so I can add some variation to the look of the texture, with some areas looking more worn, and some less so.  I doubt that I will ever actually revisit this particular model but I'll take what I learned and use it on future models.

This render also helped drive me to learn a bit more about render settings, as I needed to chase some noise away, so, even though it doesn't look like much, it was an excellent learning project for me.
Cube Matrix


Cube Matrix
