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Use Compostable Mailing Bags

Use Compostable Mailing Bags and Convey Your Concerns to Nature
Single-use mailing bags are in high demand owing to the rising scope of e-commerce. The packing bags made of synthetic plastics are elevating concerns about climate change. According to a 2022 survey conducted by Greenpeace, nearly 100 billion pieces of plastic packaging in UK households end up in garbage a year.

In the wake of the adverse effects of environmental pollution, various government and non-government agencies across the globe are making efforts through the development of sustainable material products. 

Compostable mailing bags are the most promising alternatives in this regard. Before we know more about the substitute, let us understand how synthetic plastic is harmful.

What are Synthetic Plastics and their Effects on Us?
Synthetic plastics are among the recalcitrant materials resistant to chemical changes under microbial actions. Organic substances such as plants and animal-based products break down into constituent compounds. The degradation products are non-toxic, and the process does not release toxic gases as chemical processing does.

Plastic wastes that do not make it to recycling end up in landfills, waterbodies, dump yards, and sewages. They encounter different physical conditions, such as heat, cold, and wetness. In addition, physical crushing, exposure to sunlight, wind, and oxidation/hydrolysis break them into minute particles called microplastics. The fragments eventually reach topsoil and oceans.

As they seep deep into the soil, plants and trees absorb them and accumulate in leaves, fruits, grains, and vegetables. When we consume them, microplastics enter our bodies. Since we lack enzymes that can digest these particles, they interact with other enzymes and adversely affect different physiological activities leading to diseases.

Why do Compostable Mailing Bags Make a Wise Alternative?
Compostable mailing bags are liable to decomposition by microbes beyond their shelf life. The microbial actions on them convert constituent material into non-toxic biomass. The by-products of decomposition are minimal and include carbon dioxide, water, methane, and some inorganic compounds. The degradation product that passes the metal content test is edible.

NaturTrust’s compostable mailing bags are top quality, 100% compostable, and biodegradable. They comprise Corn starch, polylactic acid, or PBAT, which are highly strong and heat resistant. They are available in different sizes ranging from 10 to 100 cm in different colors. You can also have customized designs, patterns, and logos printed with biodegradable inks. Their mailbags comprise multiple layers of different colors from inside and outside.

Special Features of NaturTrust’s Compostable Mailing Bags
* Tear resistance and leakproof
*  Writability and printability
*  Product inputs free of GMO materials

Wrapping Up
Compostable mailing bag is the best option to reduce environmental pollution affecting human health. With additional upgrades over the years, they are no less than synthetic plastic products regarding usability. Visit us here for more details about our products.

Use Compostable Mailing Bags

Use Compostable Mailing Bags
