This is my latest piece of work as of 9/11/2022 (the date of completion) and this is made to represent anxiety and depression. Interpreted with my characters Tarou and Hunter (who acts as Tarou's anxiety, depression and self hatred)
When doing the line art that I traced over my original sketch I made a couple changes such as removing Hunter's tail because I didn't feel like it would've worked well with the aesthetic of the intended art piece, I also changed Hunter's hand to be placed on Tarou's head to make their interactive appear more abusive.
One last minute change was the clutter shown on the left, it's to show the struggle of this moment as if Tarou has been knocked around the room.
The cracked mug shown on the floor next to Tarou is a reference to one of the other characters, a couple pieces of art & animations of this particular character, Lulu; who is depicted as a small purple slime creature who I like to draw in mugs to show how small she is.
There is also a personal reference to myself and a very close friend, you can see that there is a pen in the cup beside Tarou that has a little cat on top of it, as we both have matching pens but the colours are switched, both are black and white.
The designs of Tarou and Hunter are updated versions of designs I had prior to this drawing, Hunter is a character I've been trying to come up with a good design for since 2018 and Tarou was only made in early 2022 and recently developed his final design in this art piece. 
Art & Animations of Lulu and older designs of Hunter and Tarou are displayed below.
My first ever frame-by-frame animation, I made it as a college project for 2021
Audio Warning       I made this as a side project I made entirely from home the same year as the previous animation
The coloured version is where the aesthetic of the art and the characters starts to become clear, especially with Hunter; his demon design and gory details become more clear and his outfit give a good indicator of which era he is from, hint: he was once human but died a gruesome death in 1931 at the age of 19.
This is where everything comes together, with the shading and details drawn in; the whole piece is very dark and depressing as you can see in Tarou's eyes how devastated he really is and how menacing Hunter really is with how his eyes look, his bloody teeth and the massive hole ripped open in his chest.
I later wrote the name I use for my online presence as an artist & animator.
Tarou's Depair

Tarou's Depair
