As people become richer, they begin to yearn for more entertainment experiences. Visiting art experience halls as a form of entertainment is increasingly in demand. However, it is difficult for different kinds of art experience halls to be integrated with the same building, and the artworks appear abrupt in the building. And the physical building will add a lot of structural support during the construction process, which does not match the shape of the architectural concept stage, which will affect the aesthetics of the building and separate architecture from art. As a product of the artist’s expression, whether there is a new form of artwork to integrate architecture and better express the meaning of the artwork. Therefore, how to better integrate artwork into architecture? Do they have new forms and potential possibilities? 

As an emerging virtual world concept, Metaverse has a powerful interactive experience. Put architecture and art into the metaverse and they will merge with each other. Architecture is art, art is architecture, and art can have space and interactive experience like architecture. In the metaverse, architecture and art are no longer limited by distance, and gravity is no longer the condition that binds them. Using algorithmic technology, architecture and art can generate different interesting forms in the virtual world by changing only one parameter. Through my research, I found that GEN Z is the group most interested in metaverse topics, and interviewed 120 people (GEN Z group) about the prospect of virtual architecture and art in the metaverse world. I got the answer: they want more immersion, more interaction, more freedom. Therefore, How do we rethink architecture and the experience of art in the virtual environment?


