Although I am studying graphic design, photography is something that I have always had an interest in. When I was in high school I took a few photo classes and loved being in the dark room developing my own pictures and experimenting with exposure. Then, once I was in college, I had to take a photo one class as a requirement to my major and I learned a lot. We were given projects that covered an array of subject matter such as landscape, portraiture, night exposures, and collage. In the end we even got to make up our own final project and I chose to create a clothing catalogue. Overall it was a great experience and what I learned in my photography classes are lessons that I continue to use today in my graphic design work. 
Tybee Island just outside of Savannah
Downtown Savannah
Downtown Savannah
On a roof looking out to downtown Savannah
Lake Tahoe, California
Taken in downtown Savannah