Paper Toy
Fort this assignment we had t make a papertoy for a made up company. My company was a small business that sells pottery. Like many other small businesses this small business like`s to show off the mascot cat.
At first I didn’t know what to make in the paper toy, the human or the cat. My thought to make the cat the literal mascot came after I made these sketches. I chose the third one on the bottom because it was the cutest.
I made a blender model to make a unfold digitally. A program named pepakura was recommended to me so I made the unfold in there. One downside of that program was that I could not export the result. In order to make the unfold look good I had to trace a screenshot I made in illustrator.
Here I made some tests for my final pice.
The final pice was printed on thick paper which made it hard to fold, luckely I send my work to the makersspace were they cut and scered it beforehand. 
I made some sketches for the logo of my company. The name I chose is Cats & Clay. Because the cat is the mascot I decided to make it the logo to. The logo was mad in illustrator to.
What went well?
The design of my papar toy wasn’t basic and has a very unique shape.

What didn’t went well?
The paper of my final product was quiet thick and hard to fold. It was a real struggle to fold some of the edges and do to this problem some of them don’t look very clean. I think that the next time I would tale sone thinner paper so it still would be sturdy enough to hold it’s shape but flexible enough to be folded.
Paper Toy

Paper Toy
