
Over the summer pandemic I decided to indulge in various new hobbies and decided to try my hand on photography and styling.

Upon taking a dangerous journey out the house at the time, I stumbled upon an abandoned construction project and decided to use that as the basis of this photography project I had in mind.

I styled the model with a color palette suitable to the shoot location, with emphasis on amber, orange and browns 

With the perfect summer sunset only up for a short period, I tested shots at various angles using different camera widths and accessories to evoke and capture this moment as we wandered across a deserted and barren environment, with post-editing work finalized with Adobe Lightroom.

With outdoor human interaction limited at the time, you can only take in a slight presence of human life interacting with natural elements and abandoned machinery..captured in time forever as a slight reminder of the lonely solitary confinement caused by the pandemic.

Styled, photographed and edited by Me.
Shot on iPhone X


