Rocks, grass, trees, dirt, flowers, leaves, and insects are a mere fraction of what makes up
the life that surrounds us. We imagine life as a timeline with a beginning and an end, rarely
appreciating the cycle that Mother Nature has created. As humans we struggle to control every
aspect of life, even what happens to us after life. In death, we seek placement, approval,
celebration and immortality thus avoiding the natural and becoming the earth. However, animals,
thus lacking this spectacle of control take life as a cycle and allow death. As animals decay with
the earth, they become the earth. What remains of us and all things living, with or without avoidance, will all become life after death.
     For this project, I directly transferred my own landscape and nature photographs onto animal bones via an acrylic gel medium and laser prints. My still life represents the process of which death becomes life. As animals and humans decay and become part of the earth, my photographs decay and become part of the remains. Where there is life, there is death and where there is death, there is life. Although you can not see all the details of the photographs without seeing the bones in person, the overall still life represents a landscape and the life that thrives within it.
What Remains.

What Remains.

For this project, I directly transferred my own landscape and nature photographs onto animal bones via an acrylic gel medium and laser prints. My Read More
