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Pita Jungle Site Redesign (GIT340 Final)

When approaching the site compositions and redesigning them, I tried to keep in mind the feedback we received from the user testing. A lot of the feedback we got from the testing was that the website overall was extremely overwhelming. The original website had distracting illustrations within the background and the color choices were overbearing since they had high and intense contrast. This was one of the reasons that I chose a simple gray, white, and black color scheme so that the information being presented on the screen stands out and is easily readable. This is also why I chose the font I chose as it closely resembles the actual Pita Jungle logo design, but is still polished and crisp enough to look professional and clean. The next issue I had to tackle was the menu and how it was displayed. When conducting the usability test, a lot of the testers commented that the menu was confusing as it had no pictures or prices displayed. They also commented on the fact that the interactive PDF was not interactive and also didn’t display prices. So when redesigning the menu, I took pictures from the ordering system and  made them the actual display pictures for the menu along with adding the prices. I also added the option to return to the main menu page. This way users can easily return to the starters page and pick up where they left off or go back to the start with ease and without having to click through the menu. This also applies to the Beer, Wine, & Cocktails menu as it had the same issue as the food menu. Another issue that I addressed was the fact that the website had no search bar in sight. I easily fixed this by adding a search bar in the header along with the magnifying glass to give users a guide that it is the search bar. The final issue was the fact the VIP club page didn’t even exist. When using the actual website, the user is redirected to not only a separate page, but you are redirected to a whole other site altogether. The user is redirected to Facebook so if and when a customer wants to potentially sign up for the rewards program that the restaurant offers, the user can get dejected going through all these hoops just to even sign up. The process to unsubscribe was also difficult as you had to wait an intense amount of time to actually receive any messages. Overall, the entire VIP Club experience needed to be improved. Due to this, I created a VIP Club signup page. I did this because the information form is a familiar tool that users have often interacted with. I also detailed what the VIP Club was and why a customer should sign up as the current website does not feature any details on what it actually is. I also gave users the option to sign in as this promotes the users to come back to the website often.
Pita Jungle Site Redesign (GIT340 Final)

Pita Jungle Site Redesign (GIT340 Final)
