Mindful Running -Atomic design for atomic habits (MVP)

Goal: Designing an mHealth app tracking the user’s activity and progress (MVP).
Scope: 7 days.
Tools: design thinking, MOSCOW, usability, accessibility and
desirability tests, Atomic Design, Design system.
Focus on: GDPR compliance, feedback, empty states, design system and library, micro interactions, animations.
The client
The Daily Health Conference
A non-profit organisation dedicated to promoting health and wellness through impactful public talks, participatory workshops, and professional training all over the world.
A mindful running audio guide.

Improve enjoyment, performance, connection between mind and body.

Accessible to the wider number.

Solve pain points related to an “all-
or-nothing” tracker approach. Suggest the approach “good-better-best”.

Help users to adopt healthy routines with gamification.
From mid-fi to hi-fi after tests
Concept, usability and accessibility tested MVP. 

Rewards and gamification system to help users to stick to their new healthy habit.

Colour palette Inspired by the time people run, usually in the morning or the evening. Empathises on sunsets, sunrise colours and gradients.

In terms of pure symbolic, purple refers to wisdom, bravery while blue represents calm and stability.

Mindfulness refers often to energies and auras. Implementation of glass morphism and spheric blurry shapes to give translate this idea. 

An atomic approach - Design system & library
Atomic principles in Design provides us with a structure for not only formulating our design, but also creating the building blocks of our design systems, pattern libraries, and ultimately, our high-fidelity prototype.
Next steps
On the UI,

Get a better dosage of glass morphism regarding transparency and shapes.

Improve the colour palette to avoid a monochromatic aspect.

Conduct desirability tests.

Make it adaptive for smart watches.

On content and features,

Get the help from a coach in order to establish realistic programmes as well as more accurate ways to measure progress. 

Link the app towards The Daily Health Conference webinars and workshops to give a more educational aspect to the product. 

Organising charity fundraising races through the app to align the idea of health and wellness with the organisation’s non-profit stance.

Mindful Running -Atomic design for atomic habits (MVP)

Mindful Running -Atomic design for atomic habits (MVP)



Creative Fields