Joshen Lim's profile

Game Dev: Viterz

Software/Game Development: Viterz

We are two friends who grew up playing competitive games together, including Team Fortress 2, Counter Strike, and Dota 2. However, when we were not playing these games, there was never a go-to pc game that our friends and us could play that incorporated both casual and competitive aspects in its gameplay. Oftentimes, games present a learning curve or hurdle that friends may not necessarily want to overcome when looking for something simple.
Why not lower the barrier to fun? While classic retro games like Tetris, Space Invaders and Pac-Man were competitive, they were not multiplayer. Furthermore, while popular party games such as Mario Kart and Smash Brothers may fill that niche, they are limited to their platform and gated behind a price tag.

We seek to integrate racing and shooter/class elements into a class-based racing game with a low barrier to entry but high skill ceiling. This allows casual players to pick up the game easily, but attracts competitive players as well.

User Stories
1. As a casual gamer who wants a quick game with my friends, I want to be able to play a simple-to-learn, quick, and fun game with them.
2. As a semi-competitive gamer, I want a casual, semi-competitive game with coordinated teamplay elements to have fun with or against friends and climb the leaderboards together.
3. As a competitive gamer, I want a game with a global leaderboard and high skill ceiling to invest time and effort into so that I can become one of the top players in the world.

Tech Stack
1. Unity - Game Engine
2. C# - Main Language in Unity
3. Audacity - Music Producing
4. Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop - Graphic Design
5. Garageband - Music Producing
6. Blender - 3D Modelling

Manual Testing and Acceptance Testing
User testing was conducted in 3 sessions with each session having 4-5 players play with each other (Simulated User Focus Groups). Out of the 3 sessions, 1 group were experienced gamers with more than 5,000 hours of total gameplay time on competitive PC multiplayer games.
Game Dev: Viterz


Game Dev: Viterz
