Daniela Alvarez, Ilse Spangler, Pablo Romero, Mariana Gómez
AcademicFabiola Cortés
Materials: Grandillo wood and aluminium
Photos by: Daniela Alvarez and Mariana Gómez
A collection of 8 products of Granadillo wood, which is endangered. Each product focuses to an experience that will make you live a unique emotion and at the same time promotes the conservation of wood.
It is a pet collar made of wood and aluminum with a USB memory. In the aluminum part the pet's name is impressed and the USB is to stored important data, as vaccines and address, and also memories such as pictures and videos.
Inspired in the fight against cancer, when a person just want to live fully with the people they love the most. Is a wooden necklace divided into 3 parts, functioning as a bucket list where each piece is a compromise. The user retains one and delivers the other two and it means a compromise to do something special together. When it is accomplished the pieces are returned to its owner and finally this piece is given to the most special person that will keep it for ever, and is the compromise of the last wish.
Modular garden lamps with solar panel inspired in turtle shaped, mimicking the absorption of light by their shells.
Brush set with interchangeable aluminum tips to promote conservation of wood, inspired in the Tehuana headdress worn by Frida Kahlo.
Spice rack inspired in life and death, that when being vertically allude to the existence of both concepts in one line but always opposed.
Pot that is buried halfway, to plant a Queen of the Night which blooms only once a year. It have a counter to keep track of how many times the flower has been seen.
Musical instrument for kids, with interchangeable tips to encourage experimentation of acoustics.
A symbolic object that works under the concept of dedicating music; as the internet plays and important role the music is dedicated through a hashtag on twitter and by iTunes.


Collection of 8 products of Granadillo wood and aluminium
