Creativity is inventing, experimenting, growing, taking risks, breaking rules, making mistakes, and having fun while doing all that. 
This quote by Mary Lou Cook is one of the many motivations that has kept me going this past few weeks of the Graphic Design Challenge hosted by Miunify. It has really been a fun experience of replicating, improving and creating new designs. Below are few of my designs from Week 1 -4.
This is a replication task given to us on Week 1 Day 2. Replicating this wasn't hard. The only problem I encountered while doing this was looking for the various images of the people in the flyer.  
This particular flyer was my highlight of Week 1, it was the easiest flyer I did that week, the various resources were easy to find and didn't require much work. The replication was done within few minutes
Week 2 of GDC is all about improving a bad flyer design. We were asked to improve left image in the grid below. My improved design is the flyer design by the right. I had fun designing this because who doesn't love a beautifully decorated doughnuts :)
It was easy to get a high quality doughnuts image, because that's what the flyer is about and the discount offer was made very visible too.
At first I thought this design was going to be a tough one because it had a connection with the Northern part of Nigeria, but after doing some researches I decided to add -LIKITAN MOTAR KU (which in Hausa language translates to your car doctor) which gave it a little Northern vibe.
This design has to be my highlight of Week 3.  had a really busy day and we had power problem too in the area. But I was able to pull this one off within very few minutes in other to meet the time deadline. I already had the design resources so it didn't require much work.
 “The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.” - Sylvia Plath
By participating in GDC, I've learn to really appreciate my designs as well as be opened to constructive criticism by other creatives especially professionals and I also learnt a lot and I'm open to learn even more.  
For your creative flyer, logo, social media designs, creative designs


