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Ways Do Machine Learning Algorithms Fall Human?

In What Ways Do Machine Learning Algorithms Fall Short of Human Abilities?
By Azgari Lipshy

Although the goal of machine learning algorithms is to improve the quality of life, they may have unintended consequences.

“An artificial intelligence tool need not be malicious to wipe out humanity; if it is pursuing a goal and humans get in its path, it will kill them automatically, without remorse.”

Over the past decades, programmers of machine learning(ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) have been made to think more like humans, making decisions and executing complex tasks based on deep analysis. Robots carrying out various human tasks are not things you see only in sci-fi movies. They also exist in today's reality.
However, regardless of the progress data scientists have made in the ML and AI fields, there are still numerous things machine learning algorithms are incapable of doing better than humans. In this article, I will highlight the limitations of machine learning algorithms fascinatingly, alluding to the superiority of humans!

Primary Limitations of Machine Learning Algorithms

Machine Learning can offer innovative approaches to many projects that need to process a massive amount of data. However, it sometimes isn't the best solution. In particular, some projects require soft skills like communication and empathy, imaginativeness, critical and strategic thinking, and creativity that can not be executed quickly by AI. Let's look at how the ML algorithm falls short of human abilities.

1. Critical Thinking

One of the skills that AI does not have is critical thinking. While ML technology has advanced beyond human expectations, it is still incapable of using critical thinking. AI is usually taught to execute tasks based on routine, but it can't make decisions when confronted with eventualities beyond its routine. A human can easily improvise or follow gut instinct, but a robot cannot. Consider, for example, doctors or nurses who want to understand bits of information to decide on the best way to treat a patient in dire need of medical attention.

2. Creativity

AI has advanced enough to do creative works like music, art, and pieces of writing. What these works lack is the human touch. The production of creative works by AI is only possible by imitating input, producing them without consciousness and understanding.

Nothing can be equivalent to a creative work that is relatable, original, innovative, and able to express and capture human emotion. This is why projects that call for creativity like music, writing, visual and performing arts, marketing, and engineering are less likely to be given to a robot.

3. Strategic Thinking

Another advantage humans have over AI is strategic thinking—the ability to create strategies. Like critical thinking, strategic thinking requires decisions based on analyzing information and their complicated relationships with each other. For instance, one program can collect a large amount of data regarding a consumer preference for a particular product, while a second program can gather customers' demographic data. But a human with strategic thinking synthesizes the data to create a marketing strategy for a particular product.

4. Imagination

Similar to creativity, imagination is a unique feature humans have. As mentioned earlier, Artificial Intelligence can only perform tasks it has learned through a routine. Meanwhile, more advanced AI can improve at executing more complex tasks. But AI can not exceed the framework of what it has learned. By contrast, humans can dream of new possibilities by using their imagination.

For instance, a designer who renders with a computer program. The program efficiently streamlines rendering processing but cannot decide on styles as the designer can. Because of this, thought leaders, inventors, writers, entrepreneurs, visionaries, and artists cannot easily be replaced by machines or robots anytime soon.

5. Physical Skills

Another ability that gives humans bragging rights is their unique physical skills. This may come from the fact that humans greatly appreciate extraordinary physical skills. Nothing is as fulfilling as watching a skilled ballerina gracefully dancing on the stage or an athlete running at top speed.

Whether a fantastic motor skill like that of an athlete running at maximum speed or a fine skill like that of a pianist, or brute strength like that of a weightlifter, unique physical skills will remain a crucial asset for getting a job.

6. Empathy and Communication Skills

The capacity to show empathy and communication effectively is another skill humans have, and AIs don't. Humans can understand and relate with each other in ways that robots cannot achieve soon, if at all. Due to this, projects that need empathy and good communication skills are not likely to be automated.

Consider how professionals in social work, healthcare, psychology, and education, use extensive competencies to know how to communicate and respond to their consumers.
7. Translation

Humans are the best choice when it comes to translating important documents. ML algorithm-driven translations, while constantly advancing, can give inaccurate translations. So it isn't a good idea to bank on them in critical settings. For instance, the translation system failed at the latest Boao Forum.

Words like slang, proper names, cultural context, and proper names are lost on machines. For example, a word like "set," has over 430 meanings, according to Guinness. An AI machine requires context clues to decipher how some words would be used in a translation, which is a challenging task.

8. Technical Know-How

Technical know-how is another competence of humans over AI. Irrespective of their abilities, machines, and robots still rely on humans for creation and upkeep. Unless technologies with machine learning algorithms can obtain the capacity to maintain themselves, humans will always have the edge over them.


It is undeniable that AI has opened up tremendous opportunities for numerous industries. However, it has also led many to think that machine learning algorithms can solve all the world's problems. Whereas, like humans, Artificial intelligence also has its limitations! The power of MI assists people in performing their jobs more efficiently and living better lives. Still, it cannot replace humans because it is incapable of adequately performing many tasks without the help of humans.

About Author

Azgari Lipshy writes about technology, yoga, and her solo travels worldwide.


Ways Do Machine Learning Algorithms Fall Human?

Ways Do Machine Learning Algorithms Fall Human?


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