Brian Engle's profile

Songwriting and Production

Original Music and Songwriting
2005 - Present
The following are some examples of various songs I have written and recorded over the years. I wrote, tracked, programmed and mixed everything that you find below, using my own equipment, so while the production quality and instrumentation might vary a bit, this will hopefully give you some examples of my musicianship and production style.
ProTools 9 (We Found Silence, Nothing New, Better Me), ProTools 6 LE (Symphony)
Cubase 3 LE and SampleTank (Holding Me)
Propellerheads Reason (all except Holding Me)
Line6 AmpFarm (We Found Silence, Nothing New, Better Me)
Guitar Rig (Symphony, Holding Me)
Celemony Melodyne Studio (We Found Silence, Better Me)
Thanks and I hope you enjoy!
We Found Silence
Recorded Summer 2013 - ThePoetic Creative, Modesto CA
This song was written as a capstone for an upcoming recording project. The theme is that, despite the general discord of life one must find the common element (in this case, a relationship) that brings peace. This is a static-pass, rough mix of the song, to serve as the sonic pallete from which I am developing the rest of the music.
Nothing New
Recorded Spring 2011 - Valley Oak Apartments, Modesto CA
This was written to encapsulate the feelings of moving to a new area and looking to find security there. The backround in the opening is the sounds of my fishtank and clocks in my apartment, to give a sense of serenity and mechanism. This was produced in a small bedroom with very limited equipment and no pitch-correction or profesional plugins, so concidering the limitations I am probably most pleased with the outcome of this song, which I hope you enjoy.
Better Me (Desperate)
Recorded Fall 2013 - ThePoetic Creative, Modesto CA
This is perhaps the most aggressive of the songs I have recorded, and it was originally to be acoustic-folk, but while playing with electric guitar tones I got to messing around with a lead part, and it fit this song best, so that should explain the sudden genre-change. This is also probably the most raw recording, as it is also a static-pass, but it has a wider variety of production styles. I promise, I only use aggressive screamed-vocals when specifically asked (in this case, I was)!
Symphony (When Nothing Matters)
Recorded Spring 2007 - Summerwind Apartments, Winter Park, FL
Symphony was recorded late in my time at Full Sail, in my college apartment with an extremely limited setup (I didn't even have a microphone stand, i set a borrowed drum mic on a bookcase shelf and stood in front of it for the vocals). The introduction audio was from a group business presentation, the rest was all recorded into a laptop on my bed and mixed on headphones.
Holding Me
Recorded Spring 2005 - AfterShadow Studios, Grants Pass, OR
Before I recorded Holding Me, I was an absolute recording purist - I refused to use too many plugins and was offended at the idea of using vocal pitch correction or synths instead of guitar amps and live drums. After I was dared by a friend to "just try using the software for once" I decided to go all out, with over-the-top pitch correction, fake drums and guiar amps, and a heavy use of synthesis (the only real instruments used in this song were one electric guitar, direct in, and vocals). Unfortunately, I had so much fun with the production of this song that, while I would prefer to use real equipment, I almost always end up using digital modeling guitar processing and sampled drums whenever I record.
Songwriting and Production

Songwriting and Production

A collection of songs I have written and recorded the past several years.
